Our Differentiated PGDA
When we embarked on developing the IAS PGDA, significant focus was placed on presenting a PGDA better, giving the student a better learning experience, and addressing the needs of the 21st-century student and the future CA (SA) employer. Therefore, the brief was to think differently, not throw out what works, but make it better.
As a result, we have created a unique, dynamic, innovative PGDA ecosystem. We have combined an array of teaching materials and methods, an energetic team, and a flexible teaching environment to create a revolutionary programme that will take students to new heights.
The IAS PGDA Ecosystem
Learning Environment
Our team
Our model is one of evolved experience. Our staff is a mixture of young and... less young staff. We match those with experience, maturity, wisdom, and significant picture ability with high energy, teaching excellence, and technical knowledge. Younger staff better understand students' perspectives and can better relate to student circumstances. Better understand The result is creative, dynamic and rounded solutions.
The environment is based on student-centred learning, which shifts the focus to the student to create learner autonomy and independence and ensure that control of the learning path stays with the student. This approach supports the skills and practices necessary for lifelong learning and independent problem-solving. The student, therefore, learns to construct meaning using new information presented to them, applying prior experience. Students are further supported with individual mentoring, coaching, and all-important motivational mechanisms.
Our teaching approach helps you get your qualification, but that's only the start. We focus on creating critical thinking skills to become lifelong learners. Our measure of success is successful graduates who become leading business people who can change the world. This is achieved by integrated teaching and thinking, which involves getting back to basics - teaching the why not just the what, coupled with proper practical application, our principle: this is not an academic exercise. If you cannot do it, you should not be teaching it. This is embedded in our focus on pervasive skills using techniques such as the flipped classroom.
Teaching Methodology

Our approach to technology is dynamic and evolutionary. Tech changes daily, and we all need to evolve with it. The solutions we use today will be irrelevant tomorrow. Our use, therefore, moves with the technology, with the caveat that implementation needs to be technology that makes a difference and is practical and not just technology for the sake of technology.
Sustainability is changing the world, and although included in the SAICA syllabus, it is a much larger world concept. Reporting as we know it is fundamentally and exponentially altered. We provide a focus on this and keep it as one of our continuous in-programme, as well as post-programme topics. Our goal is to make our students relevant in tomorrow's world.
We are also implementing sustainability practices in the way we present our programme. Students will therefore have access to all learning materials electronically.